

The Goal of Membership

Is to be part of a group of like-minded people who care about cemetery preservation and wish to help each other in this endeavor. It’s about being in a place where you can share knowledge and ideas. And most of all, it’s a place to promote the best methods available in the hopes of helping others. You are most likely a member because you care about cemeteries. Now you can be empowered to do something about it and help others.

Being a Member

What it means to be a member can be found in our name. Cemetery Conservators for United Standards. Members are people involved in cemetery preservation on any level big or small, professional or amateur, who agree to the basic standards we have set forth. It means that all members stand united and behind these standards. All members have taken a pledge to do no harm method restoration and preservation. It’s a proclamation to do what is best for the cemetery or grave marker. There is no CCUS law or contract that binds you to this. It’s based on your good word.

Advantages to Being Part of this Group

The advantages are many. The two biggest advantages of these are support and credibility. As a member you are not alone in this field. The CCUS has many knowledgeable helpful people from across the country. This provides an excellent support system for you to problem solve with and seek answers from. And because we have a structure of basic standards based on fact and knowledge, we have a sharp contrast against harmful methods and the misinformation that goes along with them. When you form a credible group such as this, you provide a network source of do no harm preservation for people to choose from. Providing this network can and has saved cemeteries and grave markers from a destructive fate by others who practice damage laden methods. This is your opportunity to make a difference.

Advantages to Being a Member

We are all equal within this group. We are a co-op of individuals working together. There are no fees or yearly dues to belong. Members are encouraged to always promote cemetery awareness and good preservation practices. Any member can promote their work whether it be for profit or charity. Posting business advertisements and scheduled preservation classes or workshops is also encouraged. Good preservation and awareness, is good preservation and awareness.

A Pledge by Proclamation

I proclaim to be seek proper education

I proclaim to do what is best for the cemetery

I proclaim to clean and repair without damage

I proclaim to use safe methods

I proclaim to use historic materials

Current Members – a short introduction to them.

Members Work – some of their work.

Become a Member – how you become a certified member.

Become a Support Member – how you can support good preservation.