The Cemetery Conservators for United Standards a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, is asking for donations to help cemeteries in need of historic preservation. The CCUS is choosing needy cemeteries one cemetery at a time with short attainable goals of financial help set at $3,200 per cemetery.
Meeting this goal will allow the CCUS to provide that cemetery with an entire package of preservation goods such as lime mortars, epoxies, infill material, biological cleaners, and tools necessary for “do no harm” preservation. The cemetery in need will also receive a 2-day training class covering the 6 basics of preservation or more advanced techniques. Training will be given by a CCUS Approved Conservator who will also help with the short and long range goals of the group performing the cemetery preservation.
Nothing exemplifies our mission statement more than something such as this charitable donation that empowers those who wish to make a difference by saving cemeteries

Every cemetery we choose to assist has a group of organized and caring dedicated people who have gotten together to make a difference for a cemetery that holds a place in their hearts. These cemeteries that are being helped are either pre 1900 historic or pioneer cemeteries or historic cemetery sections of current cemeteries. The goal of preserving this history is a shared goal of both the CCUS and the group that we are working with. This is a united effort
Riverside Cemetery Union City Michigan
Is A Cemetery Worthy Of Your Donation

Biological growth cleaning from 2018
This historic cemetery was founded in 1837 and is full of many old grave markers that go back before 1900. It has many white & gray marble markers that are in need of preservation and restoration care. This ranges from simple biological growth cleaning to mending broken tablets to resetting multi-piece monuments. They also have a fair number of multi-piece granite markers from the later era they would also like to address.

It All Begins With A Good Group Of People
Bobbie Watson Mathis pictured here in the white ball cap, formed a group called Saving Graves: Union City Mich. 2 years ago. The group has 5 regular members and an auxiliary list of eager volunteers that help when time permits. This dedicated group meets May through October during the good weather months to tackle a broad range of grave marker challenges. Bobbie is also the current president and former vice president of the UCSHP the Union City Society for Historic Preservation. She organizes the cemetery tour every year as well as other fund raisers for the society.

Some fantastic work on a much damaged grave marker
Bobbie would be the first to tell you she could not do this without the help and support of others that come from both the UCSHP and Saving Graves: Union City Mich., as well as the volunteers who show up as a result of these 2 groups and the things they organize. This is growing community awareness and enthusiasm at its best.

Just some of the many who volunteer
When Bobbie first took an interest in the historic preservation of this cemetery, she approached it with good preservation instincts and did some careful research on the subject. This is when she ran across a cemetery preservation class being taught by Gravestone Guardians of Ohio being held in Indiana in 2017. This also coincided with the newly formed nonprofit organization Cemetery Conservators for United Standards, of which Gravestone Guardians of Ohio was a founding member. Bobbie brought along 2 friends to share her interest in this venture and together they gathered information that they took back to form their cemetery group with. It wasn’t long before they were out in the cemetery putting to use the knowledge they gained from the class. In 2018 Gravestone Guardians of Ohio was invited to teach Bobbies new found group and volunteers at Riverside. The rest of 2018 was spent organizing work days and honing skills. Practice makes perfect and now in the 2019 season, Bobbie will try her hand at teaching her 1st class on cemetery preservation.