Check24 handyvertrag young

Step 2: Select the general requirements for your phone contract After this you choose the phone most fits your needs and press on “… Tarife vergleichen” (compare contracts). On the right-hand side you can find the different contracts from you can choose from. (And if you just want a quick tl;dr: Take Vodafone. I’ve used them for years, they are pretty cheap and their customer service never disappointed me, even called me back on my mobile number after I had an issue.) This leads to a contract comparison of different providers which you can scroll down. Press “weiter” (continue) if you found your contract. This is “Ihre Auswahl” (your selection) with its contract details again. Press “zur Bestellung” (to your order) to continue the process. An extra insurance as a protection for water and breakage damages can also be included (scroll down to find these options). In case you move to another place during that time, you are allowed by law to transfer your contract to your new place. And if the provider cannot offer its service at your new place (or if they can offer only a slower connection) then you have the right to cancel the contract before (German: Sonderkündigungsrecht).

If you have doubts about signing a 2-year contract, here’s what you should know: Du möchtest zu deinem neuen günstigen Smartphone-Tarif gleich auch ein neues Gerät dazu bestellen? Kein Problem: Bei otelo hast du die Auswahl zwischen zahlreichen Smartphones. Egal ob angesagte Top-Seller von Apple, Samsung oder Huawei oder etwas günstigere Modelle zum attraktiven 1-Euro-Deal – bei uns findest du garantiert das Smartphone, das deine Erwartungen und Nutzungsansprüche optimal erfüllt und die von dir gewählte Vertragsoption perfekt ergänzt. Stell dir jetzt dein Mobilfunk-Gesamtpaket zum Top-Preis zusammen und genieße alle Vorzüge des mobilen Surfens im besten LTE-Netz von Vodafone! LTE/mobile plans contain “mobile” and are quiet new on the market: They can be pretty useful if you’re moving a lot. But you need to make sure that you have good mobile reception at your place. And in fact, most cheap offers are only available with a long-term contract. Here’s some bad news: Starting a DSL contract can take up to 3 weeks because your provider often first needs to get back to the company owning the phone lines in your house. Many internet connections never use their full bandwidth, so before you subscribe to you own contract paying maybe 20 EUR per month, you might consider finding a friendly neighbour who is willing to share his or her connection for maybe 10 EUR. On the first page, you will see the whole contract details summarized again: A table will list all the costs, separated by einmalig (one-time) and monatlich (monthly). Don’t worry, now the provider will think about you when the contract is about to end, and make you nice offers to keep you as their customer. Here you can also at the same time open a customer account at CHECK24 to view your contract deals and get special offers/coupons. Just put in a password of your choice.

Then press “weiter” (continue). Check24 is one of the biggest German comparison service: They compare not only Internet providers but also electricity and gas contracts for your home. And not only do they compare the various providers on the market – they often also have exclusive deals. So it can be cheaper to order a contract via Check24 than on the contract provider’s own website. To assure you the best contract you should also look up the extended details pressing “Details”. This will then come up. The details are then separated into 4 parts, on which you can click on the left side. If you chose contracts including a phone “Handys mit Vertrag” this comparison of contracts with different kind of phones would come up. To find the correct one you should select an option in each of the 4 boxes shown below.